Post Covid Realities


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Post Covid Realities

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Failure is not failure until you call it. Failure. Failure is just a point of learning. If you do not fail, you would not know another way. Why something cannot be the postcode period is a period of movements in a quick successions. By the time you've built your knowledge, you've understood the power of revelation. You've build them together to become a very big tool of value proposition. You send opportunities available for you. You must learn to move. Moving forward means failing forward. If you don't have the point of trying, you can't fail. If you don't fail, you won't succeed. Michael Jordan said, I have failed so many times I have failed and failed and failed. That is why I'm called is success. So you must understand that the power that is in failure is more than what we've been told of what it is.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Ayoola Jolayemi

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