Being a Good Samaritan In a Day of COVID-19


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Being a Good Samaritan In a Day of COVID-19

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Good deeds and service to others
Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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So, why would Jesus tell a nice story like this with a Samaritan as the hero? Maybe to turn the tables. Maybe for much the same reason as we’re learning about ourselves with COVID-19. Suddenly many of us strong, capable people have found ourselves more on the receiving end of things than the giving end of things. Instead of us buying groceries for others, people are buying groceries for us. People are wearing masks around us, and not only for their sake, but for ours. People are calling up to see how we’re doing, rather than us calling them first. And they’re telling us they’re praying for us.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Vern Christopherson

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