Instagram: A New Social Media Series "The Drop In"


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Instagram: A New Social Media Series "The Drop In"

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Ritual or worship changes
[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic

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This is where we just create some relational space to chop up how God's meeting us in this season. Today, we had talked formerly about reading the whole letter of Philippians. I got to thinking that maybe that wouldn't be super interesting just to watch one dude read for like 30 minutes. So what we're going to do instead is we're going to start with a new segment. I'll tell you about that in just a minute. And then we're going to read chapter one of Philippians, and I'm going to talk with you all. We're going to have opportunity for anyone on here to request, to go live and tell all of us, how has the first chapter of Philippians as we've been preaching through it? How does that, how has that impacted you? And so we are going to do that and it's going to be great.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Matt Boga

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