On the Eve of Easter 2020: Coronavirus and US Orthodox Christian Parishes


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On the Eve of Easter 2020: Coronavirus and US Orthodox Christian Parishes

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Poverty, Financial Struggle, and Shortage

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30% of the clergy would need to make only some minor adjustments in their expenses and budgets. The somewhat troubling message from Fig. 7 is that among the remaining 22% of parishes (i.e., those that do not think they can manage through the pandemic by simply maintaining the status quo) less than half of them intend to find new ways to replenish their revenues such as online giving, grants, etc. Instead, more than half of these hardest-hit parishes are planning to make significant budgetary and pay cuts. Fig. 7 Parishes Face Financial Uncertainty in Times of Coronavirus Pandemic While overall strong majority of the parishes appear to be prepared for possible future economic hardships, the reality is also that half of them (50%) have already experienced a decline in giving.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Alexei Krindatch

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