COVID-19 response in a small town


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COVID-19 response in a small town

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[don't use] In-person communal gatherings (adapted)

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When we were all given clearance to return back to religious services, the church continued to take it all very seriously. They cordoned off every other pew to encourage social distancing, had ushers at the ready to guide people to seating that offered six feet of space between each family. They provided hand sanitizer at the door, as well as plenty of face masks, which they required everyone to wear at all times within the church doors. Singing was prohibited, to prevent people from getting out of breath and feeling the need to take off their masks, and the temperature was closely monitored to avoid making people want to remove their masks due to the heat. After each church service, they had very clear instructions on how to exit the church, to avoid any rough situations or breaches in social distancing codes, and then a trained team would thoroughly clean everything before the next service.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Katie Krueger

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