10 Beautiful Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home This Year


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10 Beautiful Ways to Celebrate Easter at Home This Year

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[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic

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“It hasn’t felt this erie since September 11th,” my husband said to me as the COVID-19 was declared a pandemic and our children's’ schools were closed. He was right. For our generation, we will never forget that day. It felt like a movie, a dream, much like it does many days now when we wake to pandemic life. We remember how some things were forever changed after September 11th and expect that some aspects of our old “normal” will never return post-pandemic. In the wake of this entire season that will mark so many generations, both now and to come, start a new tradition to foster an appreciation for what we still have.  You can watch a movie together in a fort of blankets you all helped to build. Here’s a list of family-friendly movies to watch during the quarantine. 

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Meg Bucher

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