Communication from Arizona Christian Science Committee on Publication


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Communication from Arizona Christian Science Committee on Publication

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[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

Text of excerpt, if available

We’re a church and a congregation who yearn to see and live more fully God’s tremendous love for His children, which includes everyone, everywhere. We believe that God’s love heals, and that it is as available now to all of us, right in the midst of these challenging times, as in the days of old when Christ Jesus healed multitudes. This conviction comes from the Bible, from the unequalled life and saving mission of Christ Jesus, which the teachings of Christian Science illumine, as well as from our individual experience of the redeeming and healing power of God, who is divine Love itself. We worship on Sundays at this hour to learn more about God, to feel His presence, and to respond to His love. We gather for testimony meetings on Wednesdays to share our actual experience of His love and goodness.

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Diane R. Hanover

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