Do You Wish To Get Well?


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Do You Wish To Get Well?

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Flag: Innovative, unexpected, noteworthy. Always comment on it!

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This is the difference between Jesus and the so called faith healer. That even though you don't have faith, if you have strong desire, Jesus is able to heal you. Even if you're not searching after Jesus, He finds you and he knows you. And he goes into the depth of your heart and dig it Without your desire. And he's able to bring about healing. And it's not five months later. It's immediate. Yeah. What the lay man lacked in knowledge and in faith, he lacked knowledge. They need, He didn't even know who Jesus was. Do you see any sign of any faith here? There's no faith here.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Lee

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