Do You Wish To Get Well?


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Do You Wish To Get Well?

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God, Jesus, or the divine

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I don't even want to say it anymore. I heard it so many times, but our hope is in Christ. It's not in, in, in this world. It's not authorities and doctors, but our hope is truly in Christ. I want you to remember that today, as you listen to the sermon and as you even listen to news, just remember that our focus and our hope and trust and dependence is in Christ and in Christ alone. And I truly believe that it is during the difficult times that our faith is tested. So many of you guys are struggling in many different ways. And I can imagine, especially our brothers and sisters who work in restaurants and more on the blue collar side, you know, the restaurants are closed, many of them and, and you're struggling in those ways. And I can imagine our other brothers and sisters who may not have a job security issue, but maybe they're locked up in their home.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Lee

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