Do You Wish To Get Well?


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Do You Wish To Get Well?

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So three B to four kind of explains to us why all these people were laying there. They're waiting for some type of miracle healing. And it's called a pool of best data. And the people at the time believed in this and it may have happened. And to us, you know, nobody today will go around pools like this, laying around, waiting for an angel to stir up the water. But you know, we do a lot of similar things even today. Did you know that many people make pilgrimages to the dead sea and they go dip into the dead sea where the saline concentration is high. And it's high of mineral believing that it's going to do what a leave skin problems or arthritis. You know, there's a famous hot spring in Japan called <inaudible> and annually. They say about 3 million people visit this hot spring. And what do they do? They go into this hot spring, believing in what that somehow by dipping into this hot spring, that their illnesses, their sicknesses will be here. It's something like this, except it was several thousand years ago. People were there hoping, because there is no other hope for them. They didn't, they couldn't just walk to a doctor there weren't medicine readily available. And people were there hoping, grasping literally at straws, because that was the only source of hope.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Lee

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