Do You Wish To Get Well?


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Do You Wish To Get Well?

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You know, every man born into this world is born into sin. We may not be lame, physically blind, physically mute. We may not have some terminal disease or anything like that. All of us here, it looks pretty physically healthy, but all of us who are born into sin, you know what we are lame. We're sick, blind and weather in different ways. Look at the different issues and character issues and different struggles that all of us have. That means we are all broken in some way. And if you are physically laying, you would probably be screaming at Jesus. Heal me, heal me now. But what about your brokenness in other ways, do you, do you need Jesus? Do you have a desire to be made whole by Jesus? Maybe not miracle water, but By the miracle worker, is there something in your life that you feel like you're sick, blind, lame, or whether, and I think I have a bunch of those as well, and maybe you're broken. This is things like selfishness. You're just a selfish person. Maybe your brokenness is you have a lust issue. It's out of control. Maybe you're just an angry person who screams at your family and who screams at everybody. Maybe your brokenness, your sickness, blindness name, lameness with her ness. Maybe it's things like you, you, you, you do a lot of lying and cheating and stealing your you're full of deceit. Maybe it's greed. Maybe you're, you're just all into materialism. And some of us, we struggle with pride. Maybe it's pride. You know, those are things that are broken inside of us. If we were to look at all of Jesus's miracle and say, Hey, it doesn't apply to me because I'm not buying it. Doesn't apply to me because I'm not a leper. It doesn't apply to me because unlike this sick man in John chapter five, I'm not late. But what about in other ways, are you broken in other ways in your humanness? You know, Jesus, I believe it's coming to us today.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mike Lee

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