[2RY] Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessarily Preceded By Individual Confession?


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[2RY] Does The Covid-19 Pandemic Authorize The Derogation From The Canonical Rule Of Absolution Necessarily Preceded By Individual Confession?

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Sacrament of confession, when COVID-adapted

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Last March 20th, the Apostolic Penitentiary issued a note in which it ea ipsa declared  to have considered the hypotheses established by Canon 961, § 1, n. 2, to give absolution in general form to a number of penitents together, without their prior individual confession. In fact, it underscores the “gravis necessitas” that authorizes diocesan bishops (ex Can. 961 § 2) to use the special faculties provided for pursuant to Can. 961 § 1.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Stefano Testa Bappenheim

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