How Do You Know What's True and Right?


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How Do You Know What's True and Right?

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Community themes

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And all of that is a discussion of community. Scripture teaches that the community would choose. We choose, will shape our values and our beliefs. And you always need to ask yourself what is happening to, to my soul as a result of the community. That I'm a part of what's happening to you friend, because of the community that you've chosen to be a part of, of you becoming a kinder person, or are you becoming a more judgemental person? Are you becoming more generous, more open handed, or are you becoming more withholding? Are you becoming more paranoid, more fearful, more anxious, more full of rage, or do you find yourself becoming more tender hearted, more of the person you want to be? What is happening to your soul as a part of you, the chosen community that you have selected. And, and friend, of course our community is not just, you know, the physical community, but these days it's really the online community that we may have chosen to be a part of, whether it's an online religious community and online political community and online social community on Facebook, on Reddit.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rich Nathan

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