How Do You Know What's True and Right?


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How Do You Know What's True and Right?

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Conspiracy, "fake news" & distrust of media
Blame who or what for the virus?

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They'll watch a YouTube video, that'll send them to another video to another video. And pretty soon they're embracing this entire, you know, global conspiracy about the way the world works. And maybe you've heard some of these conspiracies, for example, that COVID-19, the pandemic was actually designed by folks like bill Gates and other globally leads. And then bill Gates is behind trying to inject us with the vaccine that contains tracking chips. And the tracking chips are going to be set off by five G five G network, you know, cell phone towers and the government will be able to track our movements or the idea that the five G towers are actually the cause of the spread of the pandemic. This ran all through England. There were 70 cell phone towers burned to the ground by these conspiracy theorists. The prime minister had to make a statement saying this was all false.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rich Nathan

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