Finding Calm in a Chaotic World


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Finding Calm in a Chaotic World

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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Maybe even a slight fever. Have I contracted? COVID 19. You want to silently, how will I endure it? How will I survive? The thoughts raised through your mind with a ferocious force like hurricane Laura, they suck. And the vestige of peace into the sky. The red numbers on the clock are the only lights in your room. And there I say it, the only lights lit in your life under the hour passes, you cover your head with a pillow and feel like crying conferring with your conscious. You say to yourself, what a mess, what does all this anxiety mean? All this fear and all of this trepidation and restlessness and all of this insecurity. What does it all mean? It means my friend simply this, it means your human, a human living in a world filled with chaos hurricanes on the Gulf coast fires on the West coast, civil unrest in the Midwest, a nation that's divided politically people marching in Washington.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Charles Montgomery

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