Finding Calm in a Chaotic World


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Finding Calm in a Chaotic World

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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You don't have to ring your hands and worry that you don't have to succumb to anxiety. That's the message. Paul shares with the Philippians and is sharing with you and I today that you can stay calm in a chaotic world. If you want to stay calm, you need to do four things. Okay? First of all, you need to celebrate the goodness of God. He says in verse four, rejoice in the Lord, rehearse your joy. That's what Paul has been doing throughout Philippians, rehearsing, joy and chatter. The one he talks about having joy in difficult circumstances and chapter two, he tells the Philippians about the feeling, his joy and chapter three. He talks about joy and how it applies to all believers. So by the time he gets to chapter four, he says, rejoice, I'm rehearsing joy. Again, would suggest that there's something about joy that Paul wants us to get.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Charles Montgomery

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