Finding Calm in a Chaotic World
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Finding Calm in a Chaotic World
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To become an a chaotic world where you can't get calmness like this without a relationship with Jesus Christ. So if you're listening to me and you don't have a relationship and you want a relationship, you can have a relationship. All you've got to do is text nine, eight, nine will text prey to nine eight, nine, seven, seven, and somebody will lead you into a relationship with Christ. There's some of you as well that you say I have a relationship, but spiritually I'm out of shape. I'm isolated. I'm not in an environment where I can practice calmness. Maybe you need to get in the point group. Maybe you need to get involved in one of our mission opportunities. Maybe you just need prayer for anxiety. You can also text pray to nine, eight, nine, seven, seven, or share with one of our online pastors in the chat. But listen, you don't have to be isolated, overwhelmed by anxiety. God says, when you go through the fire, I'll be with you. When he goes to the water, they will not overtake you or wash over you. You can say I'm not going to be worried because it's well with muscle let's worship the God of our salvation
"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user
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Charles Montgomery