Finding Calm in a Chaotic World


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Finding Calm in a Chaotic World

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This weekend for justice. The America. These days is field with anxiety, psychologist report that we as Americans are three times more anxious than the generation before and get this. If you are a Christian, it doesn't mean you're exempt for even we as Christians, battle anxiety. In fact, Jesus himself, battled anxiety. You remember over there in the garden of necessity, he prayed three times that he wouldn't have to drink this cup. And the Bible says that sweat began to drip, light blood. It's fair to say he was anxious, but he has the thing. He didn't stay anxious. Instead. He had trusted his fears to his heavenly father and calmly completed his calling and a chaotic world and friends. I'm convinced that that same Jesus can also help us to do. Likewise. Jesus was one of two people in the Bible who shows us how to become in a chaotic world.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Charles Montgomery

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