"Back to Normal"


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"Back to Normal"

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[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines

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There is a room, there is room for doubt in our faith. Sure. We become a little allergic to it, but there is no reasonable person of faith out there who doesn't have at least a little doubt. Not me. Not you, not any of us. Sure. There are people who are so skeptical of it that they won't allow themselves to doubt. They start turning their doubt, outward, skeptical of everything that makes them question their own understanding. That makes them a little uncomfortable. Hence this ridiculous war on science. As if people of faith have anything to fear from science. If the last couple of centuries, we're so worried about accepting evolution, because we think what it's going to diminish the beauty of God's creation. We're worried about climate change about accepting the science of climate change, because what we're worried that it will diminish the Providence of God. We're refusing to accept medical advice, because what we're worried about the healing that God might not be able to do, but what friends, if God heals through us, what if it is through the miracle of modern medicine that God works through the science, through the ingenuity, through the creativity that God has blessed us with. Do you see, we don't have anything to fear from truth because where there is truth, there is God. The only thing we have to fear is our own small mindedness, our own unwillingness to look, to see where God is pointing us toward

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Rev. Dr. Stephen Cady

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