Flattening the Curve and Being Flattened By the Curve (Sin)


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Flattening the Curve and Being Flattened By the Curve (Sin)

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Bible, Quran, or other sacred book
God, Jesus, or the divine

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This pandemic also graphically reminds us of the truth that sin and its effects flatten us all. We have all been flattened by the curve, the virus of sin has affected us all. Affirming God’s revelation of sin and its effects (Gen. 3; Rom. 5), sin is often described as homo incurvatus in se, man/woman curved in on oneself. And since this is true of each individual person, it is also true for humanity. Each individual person and all of humanity have been flattened by the curve of sin.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Greg Strand

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