How should the Church respond to coronavirus?


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How should the Church respond to coronavirus?

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When a lot of people will be afraid to attend church. What I want you to do is not have a once a week. Faith. I want you to have a daily faith where every single day you wake up and say, wherever I am, whatever it is, we're having church right here. It may be this man, my friend. It may be a life group. It may be that we meet publicly wherever it is. It didn't know once a week, faith. It's a daily faith where we gather, we pray. We study God's word. We seek his face. We lift up his name. We share what he gives to us. We have an every day faith. You may just join with those around you. If we're unable to meet for a short period of time, you may get your life group and meet in your home and have church together. What we're not going to do is abandoned our faith. We don't just have a once a week gathered together. Church kind of faith. We have a daily faithful. We daily seek the goodness.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Craig Groeschel

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