How should the Church respond to coronavirus?


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How should the Church respond to coronavirus?

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Hey, we may be hard pressed on every side, but charged. We are not crushed. We may be perplexed, but we are not in despair. We may be persecuted, but we are not abandoned. We may be struck down, but we are not destroyed because of who he is because of what he's done because of his car, because of his grace, because of his majesty, because it is true because of his trust, that will never leave us and will never forsake us. We are not afraid. We are the body of Christ and the life will sign. Whatever you're going through today. Can you feel his love for you? His not abandoned you. He is not forsaken you. He is with you. 14 days. I didn't have human contact. Not a soul, not a hug, not a like share this meal. No, it was put it down, outside the door and then walk away like a prisoner or a dog.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Craig Groeschel

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