Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)


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Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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One day in the Gospel, the apostles questioned Jesus because there had been a massacre in the temple of Jerusalem, Galileans had come to pray, to offer sacrifice, and on that occasion Pontius Pilate had them massacred. This had “challenged”, as we say today, the apostles and disciples of Jesus. “What? Holy men who offer the sacrifice are being massacred? What sin have they done that God should punish them in this way?” In the same way, the apostles asked Jesus because there had been a catastrophe in Jerusalem, a tower had collapsed, the tower of Siloam, and eighteen people had died, and the apostles had asked the question, “What did they do to die like this, coming on pilgrimage to Jerusalem, and to be crushed like this under a tower?” What is the answer of Our Lord Jesus Christ? Our Lord said, “Do not think that they were greater sinners than others, but I tell you, if you do not do penance, you will all perish likewise.” This is what Our Lord says.

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Father Denis Puga

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