Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)


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Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)

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Communion, when COVID-adapted

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Communion is not the source of death, communion is the source of life. There is a right, that was recalled by the Holy See a few years ago, there is a right for the faithful to receive communion on the tongue, one does not deprive those who are in calamity of the sacraments. So, I say to them: you are at home, here, because here you will always find the Church's usual, traditional way of dealing with epidemics. Let us also entrust ourselves to the miraculous medal, wear it, let it be worn, it is a bulwark against all the temptations of the devil. 

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Father Denis Puga

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