Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)


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Coronavirus: Sermon of Saturday March 7, 2020 at Saint-Nicolas-du-Chardonnet (Paris)

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Prayer & faith saves from virus - or not
Front line workers
Preservation of human health and life, as a priority

Text of excerpt, if available

I am thinking especially of doctors, nurses, all those who care for the sick, because it has always been one of the missions of the Church to concern herself with those who suffer and with the sick. The Church also prays for the public authorities, because this kind of trial, this kind of calamity, demands that we be governed in an upright way, with prudence, with wisdom, even if we do not share, far from it, all the positions and opinions of those who govern us. There are times when we have to ask the good Lord, as St Peter said so well, to enlighten them so that we can submit to wise rules.

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Father Denis Puga

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