Sunday Sermon in a Pandemic: Bishop Michael Curry and Jim Wallis in Conversation


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Sunday Sermon in a Pandemic: Bishop Michael Curry and Jim Wallis in Conversation

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M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)

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The other thing I’ve done, I was reading something about working from home, dealing with the liabilities of working from home, and one of the things that the author mentioned was because you’re at home, what is work can easily morph into time that ought to be recreational – time for recreation, time for rest, time to eat, time to do nothing, time to read. And so, I’ve kind of marked off on my calendar time to rest during the day, and then other times in the evening, that’s family time, and what that is, is going back to the ancient wisdom of having times that are marked off intentionally for God. It’s actually little sabbath times during each day. That’s been a personal learning for me. We’re early in this, but I’ve kind of adopted that for myself. I have a feeling something like that is going to be true for us as Church, which is to say that in this moment when we are all physically separated, which is the right thing to do—that is for the common good and everyone’s health, and especially for the health and well-being of those who are vulnerable—one of our bishops refers to this as a fast from gathered worship, and that’s right, it’s a fast in the spirit of Isaiah who said, what is the fast that God desires?

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Bishop Michael Curry and Jim Wallis

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