How Wearing a Mask for So Long, Poisons Your System


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How Wearing a Mask for So Long, Poisons Your System

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[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines
R2: Refutation, polemic, opposition to Other viewpoints
[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines

Text of excerpt, if available

Because the carbon monoxide that you are exhaling from, you cannot go out. So you're trapping it within the mask and taking most of it back into you. This is elementary science. You cannot use a mask for long without poisoning your own system. Now what's going to happen to these people is not immediate. The self poison will produce results in about 10 years, time and beyond where you find a whole generation of people. Cool, sick, dying. I'm saddened by this way, reason, the reason is scientists know better. Doctors know better.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Chris Oyakhilome

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