A sermon on Covid and climate change


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A sermon on Covid and climate change

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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To me, one of the perplexities of the Bible is that part way through the succession of plagues, we are told that God has hardened Pharaoh's heart, as though God wants Pharaoh to keep from letting the Israelites go. At last, I get it. God wants there to be leaders who, like our president, will push harder and harder to do the wrong thing. Because it's the only way the rest of us will wake up and do the right thing. That doesn't happen with leaders who dispense the soft soap, saying comforting things and doing way too little. In the Passover story, Pharaoh, under the pressure of ever-more-serious afflictions, eventually does succumb and let the Israelites go.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Mark Silk

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