Understanding the Times


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Understanding the Times

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Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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It sadly is a very common event. So when people see that they see a sign of the last days, a sign of the end, they're saying like the men of a car, we understand the times. And then Jesus gives a third sign in verse 11, earthquakes famines. And pestilences now that's not a word we use very often nowadays. In fact, if you don't happen to read scripture, I would wonder if you've ever heard the word pestilences has a very simple meaning from a scholarly source. Here comes the sense of the word. The sense of the word pestilence is any epidemic disease with a high death rate, any epidemic disease with a high death rate, that's a pestilence. And that quite frankly, it's COVID-19 any disease that causes it.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Randy Roberts

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