Understanding the Times


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Understanding the Times

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Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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We as a global community, a sign that we're living in the last days, I can hear some say, no, no, no. These things happen. And they've happened all along. It's just at a broader scale now because we live in a different kind of world and I can hear others say, Oh, absolutely, it's a sign. Certainly I can relate to that because the world in which I grew up, saw a sign in every headline, a threat in every event, an ominous warning behind the scenes in what was happening on the world stage. In fact, the world in which I grew up cried Wolf Often cried Wolf about the coming of Christ. It's here. It's finally here. It's about to happen. In fact, cried Wolf. So many times, Times that many just stopped listening. They were no longer interested. And so when Someone comes along now and looks at COVID-19 and all the related implications and says, maybe this is a sign that we're living in the last days, people like that respond and say, come on, please stop sensationalizing. Every event have a more mature, robust Faith in Jesus. Don't sensationalize everything. I can understand that, But I do think we still have to ask the question is what's happening. COVID-19 a sign that we live in the last days.

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Randy Roberts

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