8:30 Traditional Worship - 6/7/20


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8:30 Traditional Worship - 6/7/20

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[don't use] Virtual communal gatherings

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We've done a lot of phone calls to be in touch with people. I'm sorry if we didn't reach, you know that we care about each and every one of you and you can call us any time too. We'd love to talk with you while we have live streamed, our worship services for several years. Now, now we know how to do recorded worship and from different locations, all put together, children and youth have participated. We've used clips from previous worship services and we've done it. Well. Our music staff have been great adapting, and I can't say enough about Anthony, our tech director. Who's adapted to all that we needed to do.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Steve Cramer and Matt Wright

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