From loneliness to permanently companioned


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From loneliness to permanently companioned

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M4: Self-references and leadership: Author mentions self or group leader(s)

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Genuine caring from another individual can lessen feelings of loneliness. But at times I’ve felt lonely even when loved ones are present. So what permanently fills the void? I faced this very question last year when our son got married. My husband and I happily welcomed our new daughter-in-law into the family, but thinking about the changes to come brought feelings of loss. My son and his fiancée had a yearlong engagement with many joyful gatherings. But each occasion seemed to bring on bouts of loneliness for me. Sometimes it would come as not feeling accepted by the group, as kind as they were. Other times it was just emptiness or fears about the future.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Martha Sarvis

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