Palm Sunday Service 2020


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Palm Sunday Service 2020

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[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic

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Hi, it's communion time. And I have here in my hand, a Cracker and some cranberry juice. And we talked about the woman who had issues and that the power of Jesus Christ went from his body into hers and that she received everything she needed, that she already had. It was hers. Well, it's time for communion. And what we're going to do is we're going to use exactly what you have available. We have crackers, cranberry juice, maybe you've got bread. Maybe you've got crackers or something else. Maybe you have wine or maybe you have well, some other type of juice or just water. But pastor Troy is going to lead us through the consecrating of these elements that they would represent for us, the very broken body of our Lord and savior Jesus Christ, who died, suffered, but was buried and Rose again so that you and I might have life. And they would represent the very blood of Jesus Christ through this Jews because Jesus Christ blood still works, works to heal. It works to save. It works to uplift. So as pastor Troy leads us, join us in Holy communion.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Quinn chapel AME church


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