Where Do We Go From Here?
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Where Do We Go From Here?
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So as he began sprinting down on the runway, he took a deep breath and he planted the pole and then he flew. And this time it wasn't a dream. It was for real. And he clears this amazing height as it clears. He falls on his back onto the pit below and the media and the fans all went crazy and he was swarmed with congratulations. The media swarmed him because it was amazing what he just did. What made it so amazing was not that he just went a foot higher than he'd ever gone in his life. That one jump, what made it so amazing was not that he had just won the national junior Olympics and set a world record. What made it so amazing is that Michael Stone is blind. He's blind. And he never let that obstacle keep him from achieving his dreams. Well, right now we've been facing some unusual obstacles. One in particularly as a we've been facing, trying to do ministry during this pandemic, but there is still this dream. And it really is the dream of Jesus that he's included us in on. Here's his dream.
"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user
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Gary Hutchinson