Update & Announcement


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Update & Announcement

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God, Jesus, or the divine

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I hope this video finds you well, you know, we're in a situation that none of us would have chose, but it's the situation that we're in. And as we've been saying right along, God is not caught off guard by this. And I think there's an act. It is actually an invitation by him for us to really grow and our relationship and understanding of who we are as the people of God. And I hope you do just that, you know, I've been very pleased to hear the amount of connecting that's going on, even if it's been virtually and we're going to work real hard, we are working real hard this week to try to increase that staff's been working real hard at putting together some life groups that will be kicked off next week. At least the sign up for those will be kicked off next week.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Allen Austin

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