Instagram: A Message on How To Respond in a Newly Digital Only World


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Instagram: A Message on How To Respond in a Newly Digital Only World

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

Prayer & faith saves from virus - or not

Text of excerpt, if available

So let me share some action steps for how we respond. Personally. First, we have to lament, you've got to take all of your emotions and your pain and direct it to the Lord. Who's listening as our comforter, we've got a lament, but then we also have to repent. Don't try to change the nation. If you're not willing to change your own heart, we've got to search our hearts and wherever we find sinful prejudice, repent, we also have to listen.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Jeremy Treat

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