Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One


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Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One

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Apocalyptic belief: Is it the end times or NOT?

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B. NT Wright. I want to recommend a wonderful little book to you by my favorite theologian, NT Wright, called God and the Pandemic [slide]. It’s a timely book that addresses the topic that I am going to be talking about today, which is the End Times. C. End Times. I have received several emails asking questions about the End Times. Over the last few months, I’ve received more forwards of End Times prophecies than ever. So today, (and Rich will follow up with part two next week) I want to answer the question, “Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World?” Now listen, I don’t think so because the NBA just started and LeBron first needs to bring home another ring to prove that he is the GOAT! And I think Jesus is OK with that timeline. But that’s just me speculating. But more seriously, I want to take a look at scripture and see what Jesus has to say on the topic. Let’s pray.

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Eric Pickerill

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