Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One


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Is the Pandemic a Sign of the End of the World? Part One

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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B. Context. I want you to imagine what is happening here as we read this story. Jesus is leaving Jerusalem for the last time before he will be arrested and executed. As he and his disciples walk toward the Mount of Olives, he looks back over Jerusalem and prophecies that the Temple would be destroyed. This statement would have been utterly shocking to the disciples. This was the new temple. The old temple had been destroyed when the Israelites went into exile in 1 Babylon. And the temple that they were looking at was described by Josephus, the Jewish historian as “the most marvelous edifice which we have ever seen or heard of.” It would have been like prophesying in the 1970’s that the great World Trade center Towers would one day fall. It was unthinkable. And so the disciples naturally asked, “when would this happen, and what would be the sign of the end of the age?”

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Eric Pickerill

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