Special Messages & Prayers during Pandemic


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Special Messages & Prayers during Pandemic

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[don't use] Ritualization and newer ritualsituals during the pandemic
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We want to keep on going until we feel it is safe and we can continue to celebrate as we ordinarily have when receiving Holy communion. And that probably is the, the, the trickiest thing. There's couple things I want to remind you of, again, thank you for receiving communion in the hand. And again, just about everybody was really, really good about that. And I know some people who that wasn't what they were doing or would want to do, but they did it. A couple of people forgot. That's okay, we'll remind you, but it's just far more sanitary. That way. The trickiest thing is what do you do about the mask? And that is really hard. So I noticed some people take it down before they get up here. Well, that kind of defeats the purpose cause it's right. When you're face to face that we need the mask, some people receive Holy communion and then started walking away. Didn't know what to do because the mask was in their face. How do I receive?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Joseph Bozek

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