You're Officially Ordained // Who's The Minister Here? (Part 1) (Michael Todd)


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You're Officially Ordained // Who's The Minister Here? (Part 1) (Michael Todd)

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Theodicy (C): COVID as call to action, repentance, and so on.

Text of excerpt, if available

What I'm saying to everybody that's watching me right now is God's saying, will I have to look for another? Or can I use you to be my minister at that soccer field on that campus online right now, as social distancing is taken over, could you use your text message thread, not to sext people, but to actually, uh-oh, to lift up the name of Jesus, could you use it not to complain and gossip, but could you spread the gospel with it?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Michael Todd

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