Is God to Blame for the Coronavirus


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Is God to Blame for the Coronavirus

Codes, tags, subjects, themes, topics

Binary Oppositions: Good vs Evil, Us vs Them mindset.
R2: Refutation, polemic, opposition to Other viewpoints
M3: Political agenda (for or against): politicians and current political debates
[OLD] Supernatural protection vs. Confidence in science & experts

Text of excerpt, if available

These are the Gods we worship! I suspect in a 1 Kings 18-like battle between Praying Christians and the Prophets of Science, that the Prophets of Science are going to win every time. Perhaps it is time to start keeping track: the number of infected people saved solely by prayer and the number of infected people saved solely by science and medical treatment. Of course, how would we know if someone was cured through prayer? I doubt many Evangelicals are willing to forgo medical treatment and just faith it out. When it comes to serious health problems, the Mike Pences of the world become big believers in vaccines and medical intervention. If God is all that Evangelicals say he is, why not let him sort things out?

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Bruce Gerencser

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