No Plague Will Befall You
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No Plague Will Befall You
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Analogies to Mythic Narratives
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Wherever There is a lack of freedom. There is not as much a need to track time. So with that said puts yourself in the shoes of the Hebrew people. It's not just a couple of weeks with reasonable, restricted freedoms like we have right now, but 400 years of no freedom. And now the Lord says to Moses and Aaron, Hey, wake up. This is day one for you, day one, month, one for your entire nation. It's interesting. People love new beginnings. Don't we don't. We love the idea of a fresh start of a new day one. There's certain times of the year in January and September. There's this idea of newness is this idea.
"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user
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AJ Graves