No Plague Will Befall You


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No Plague Will Befall You

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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Last three Sundays, we've seen the first nine plagues in Egypt, out of the book of Exodus. It is this all out assault that we have seen on the gypsum Gods, right, exposing those gods as powerless as the false idols, they really are that that always over promise and under deliver. And you have Pharaoh kind of standing at the center of this. And while he is clearly hurting, he is frustrated. He is panicking, kind of limping along, just kind of lamenting at the fact that his own gods and he himself are powerless in this. And even with all that being true, he's still prideful still too hardened to let God's people g

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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AJ Graves

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