They Repented, He Relented 2


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They Repented, He Relented 2

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Analogies to Mythic Narratives

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We are so individualistic. We are so private in our lives. And so, so, and as long as it feels good for me, as long as I think it's right, it doesn't matter what others think. I'm not harming them. This, you do. You and I do me mentality and culture that we live in is being exposed in our crisis today. You see it right now. And the book of Jonah is a perfect mirror for this time. Am I wrong? Everyone is hoarding everything right now. They're praying it all into them. People are hiding out with all their stuff and self-preserving, and the truth of the matter is yes, the world is evil and adulterous. It is a adulterous generation. Jonah is right. That Nineveh is evil and they are wrong. And yes, we need to be careful. And we need to be wise in this situation we are in. But God, today is calling Jonah and he's calling us to arise and wake up, wake up from your spiritual slumber that you are in. We need to return to it at this time. We need to wake up and turn back

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Daniel Kwon

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