Behind Closed Doors - April 12, 2020


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Behind Closed Doors - April 12, 2020

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Silver lining: Blessed, grateful, or upbeat about the pandemic

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It was a setback for a comeback. Sometimes we have to decrease in life in order to move forward in increase. And he allowed them in this time of hunkering down to make them a stronger church. They were the beginning of the new Testament church and he was making a different type of church. They were the beginning of the new Testament church. And you know, I've discovered that, that we ought not totally despise these times of hunkering down where we've had to isolate get away, be, be polarized. As it were seemingly to be isolated. We ought not despise these times because God always uses these times of shut in hunker down moments in our lives to do a deep work in our hearts. It's in our character. He doesn't waste anything.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Dr. Kim Patterson

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