Instagram: A New Way to Update the LA Church


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Instagram: A New Way to Update the LA Church

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Prayer & faith saves from virus - or not

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Now I know that this is crazy. It's unprecedented in so many ways what's happening. And we're looking to the Lord in all of this. And I want to encourage you not to respond with fear, but with faith, I'm honestly excited for what the Lord is going to do. And all of this. Sometimes we think that for the church to thrive, we have to have these perfect conditions, but I don't think that's the case at all. In fact, if you look back through history and in the scriptures, you see that the church thrives in the midst of chaos and confusion and even suffering and trials. So I know that the Lord is going to be at work and powerful ways in all of this or gatherings are certainly going to be different, but Christ is going to be exalted.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Jeremy Treat

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