Greek Orthodox & Holy Communion


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Greek Orthodox & Holy Communion

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Communion, when COVID-adapted

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if there are parishes or there are people and fateful among us who do not feel any more comfortable with the one common spoon, maybe we can keep the tradition of the spoon, but we can have many metallic the same spoon many times, and use it individually for every parishioner who wishes to receive the communion from a separate spoon. And then we clean all these spoons and we use it again. They are not spoons that can be used on the once. It's the same spoon like we use today. And this safeguards both first, the tradition, it's a long tradition, the spoon and the way you're offering the community with a spoon. It’s a very long tradition. And even for me, it's so difficult to adopt a new way of distributing communion for anybody, for all of us. I'm not, I mean, I'm not out of this difficulty I'm in and with you, but at the same time, we need to offer an alternative for those people among us who have issues with that, we don't feel comfortable and it's not a secret, but the younger generations, they do always, even before this pandemic, they always had an issue with this practice of the common sport, not with the spoon itself, with a common spoon then you way we are offering as an alternative to our faithful is not something that is imposed or forced, but it's an option. And whatever we see that this new practice and this new idea is welcomed by you. The people that we will, it will spread without, without any pressure or without any new directions on the side of the Archbishop or the volume of part helps. You know? So it's a, it's a test to see how welcome this new practice is welcomed by our faithful. And if this proves to be welcomed, then it will spread without any further notice on our side.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Archbishop Elpidophoros

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