Instagram: A New Way to Update the Ventura Church on Social Media


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Instagram: A New Way to Update the Ventura Church on Social Media

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[OLD] Accept or reject public health guidelines
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We have considered it and we will not be discontinuing singing. We're going to continue to worship God through song and we will continue to pray together, corporately out loud. When we gathered together at church, here's a little bit of the heart behind that. Our, our goal this whole, through this whole pandemic has been to first obey scripture. And then second, according to Romans 13, obey the governing authorities as long as they are not issuing guidelines, that blatantly go against the commands of scripture. And as we shared with you on our update May 26th, I think it was our church update. None of the guidelines for the churches had done that up until that point, the, the, the state or the government was not telling us that we couldn't be the church or do the things the church was calling us to do.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Pastor Dom Valli

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