Following Jesus in Pain and Chaos


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Following Jesus in Pain and Chaos

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God's will only (or primarily)

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It says, God hears his people's cries. So that's a picture of a God who is emotionally connected, not distant, not unaware of what his people are going through. He is not ignoring you when you pray to him, even when it feels like he is, even when nothing changes in your circumstances, then it says, God remembers his covenant love. That's not like he forgot it. It's he calls it back to mind regularly. He keeps on again and again, choosing to give unconditional love and grace to sinners like us. Number three, it says, God sees, Oh, this one is huge. Because sometimes in pain and chaos, it just feels like no one knows what you're going through. Or with justice issue, sometimes just injustice happens in darkness and no one sees, but God always sees he doesn't miss any of it. He knows what you're going through before you even pray to him. And then I love that. It says he knows he doesn't just see in here from a distance. He knows pain and suffering.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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Jon Ludovina

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