Finding Security in a Troubled World


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Finding Security in a Troubled World

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Theodicy (M): Misc. beliefs about why God lets a pandemic happen

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He doesn’t tell us why He does everything; again, it’s too complex. He doesn’t tell us the future because we can’t possibly even handle the present trouble. Compounded by knowing the world’s trouble. God spares us mercifully the knowledge of the future. The information God does give us is all we need. Ignorance of the future leads to trust in God who has eternally secured our future, and ignorance of the future is a sweet and kind gift from God to us. If God gave us more information, we wouldn’t understand it. It wouldn’t make sense to us because it only makes sense to God who is an infinite mind.

"Excerpt Date" -- made by Dedoose/Dovetail user


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John F. MacArthur



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